Morgan Stanley, for instance, predicts that domestic subscriptions will increase to 25 million by the end of this year.
Four months after Safka took over, paid subscriptions had increased by 10%, and by early 2005 the number of subscribers topped one million.
I still think overall subscriptions would increase with in-app ability, but their absence might indeed represent a better balance for content creators.
The annual subscription would increase from overseas to the full membership rate.
A rights issue and subscription increased Amstrad's shareholding in Betacom to 71.3%.
Many people incorrectly believe, for example, that buying a subscription will increase their odds of winning.
The magazine said it had no lawsuits stemming from the flawed report and that subscriptions had not fallen off but had increased.
Under Speers' leadership subscriptions and single-ticket sales increased.
In 2007, the circulation grew to 38,000, and subscriptions increased to 51%.
Flying J says that the annual subscription will increase to $199.95 by the end of the year, but that other rates will remain the same.