Sheepish though they may be about profiting from George Bush's re-election, some liberal magazines have seen subscriptions rise during the recent political season.
The subscription to the County Hospital had risen to £52.10s.0d. per annum and this was continued, as was a similar amount for the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital.
The magazines are a powerful presence on the newsstand, the traditional sales spot for celebrity news, but subscriptions are rising, too.
The federation's finances also picked up, mainly because subscriptions rose from £286,000 to £323,000.
Convinced that once he had persuaded an audience to listen, it would automatically return, Mr. Kapp was proved correct, and subscriptions for the Town Hall series have been rising steadily.
At Cablevision, Charles Schuler, a senior vice president, said that subscriptions had risen sharply in the last quarter of 2001 and were expected to increase in 2002.
After the release of the Shadowlands and Alien Invasion expansion packs, total subscriptions had risen to 700,000 in late 2004.
Circulation peaked at 187,000 in 2006 but by 2010 had dropped back to 145,000 in print, though digital subscriptions had risen to over 15,000.
As of September 2011, subscription starts at £20 per month and rises to £52 per month.
EchoStar's Dish Network's subscriptions rose to 6 million, from 3.4 million at the end of 1999.