What Blake did was to set up a very clever cover story which would pre-empt any subsequent accusations that he was in touch with the Russians.
This later gave rise to subsequent accusations that BT had not taken security seriously.
In making the disclosure, he stressed that the incident did not bear any comparison with the Navy's Tailhook sexual misconduct scandal and the subsequent accusations of official cover-up.
'Wait a Second' Regulators said the accusations in 1980 curiously mirrored subsequent accusations against Mr. Darr.
In disclosing the inquiry, General Graves took pains to deny that it bears any comparison with the Navy's Tailhook scandal and the subsequent accusations of official cover-up.
Like Colonel Mitchell, Col. Carl A. Williams, the Superintendent of the New Jersey state police, denied the subsequent accusations of racial profiling.
The McCain campaign's apparently race-neutral approach, and its subsequent accusation that the Obama campaign is playing the race card, is a well-thought-out strategy-it is pure Nixon.
The subsequent public accusations of Syrian involvement in his killing forced Syria to give in to international demands that it withdraw troops after a 29-year presence in Lebanon.
His defense was the target of subsequent accusations by various academics and groups.
If you miss it, the following events, and Luzhin's subsequent accusation of Sonia in Chapter III, may be confusing to you.