Subsequent assignments will also be made on a similar basis, she added.
Your subsequent assignment to Vixen has, naturally, proven catastrophic for us.
That is perhaps why, Doctor, his subsequent assignments have been largely limited to border patrols and mapping expeditions.
Any subsequent ministerial assignment must be accompanied by disclosure of the cleric's situation to those with whom he will live and serve (see Appendix).
His subsequent assignment was to Jasta 27 as an Unteroffizier, on 29 July 1918.
The self-evaluation component involves the pairing of 24 senior centers and subsequent random assignment to experimental condition.
"Beeker, are you trying to say you suspect that my promotion and subsequent assignment are something less than a reward?"
On that and on all of his subsequent assignments abroad, he was listed in official registers as a State Department official.
Zhukov also recalls his subsequent assignment as a staff officer to Tukhachevsky and how close he came to being executed following Tukhachevsky's fall.
Subsequent assignments as a WB-29 were to: