Economists differ on how much this expansionary monetary policy aided the Internet boom and subsequent bust.
That boom and the subsequent bust loom over old-timers here as the Dust Bowl does for survivors of the Depression.
What changed my mind was the Internet bubble and subsequent bust.
As a result of the high concentration of high-tech companies in the region, Austin was strongly affected by the dot-com boom in the late 1990s and subsequent bust.
The Tropical Sun covered the events of the Florida land boom of the 1920s and its subsequent bust in preceding the Great Depression in South Florida.
As in the broader society, though, New York's 80's business boom and subsequent bust helped widen the gap between the cultural haves and have-nots.
Its creation required no bloodshed or militant revolution; rather, the social media site was launched relatively unnoticed in 1999 amid the hype of the dot-com boom and subsequent bust.
While the 1980's art boom - and subsequent bust - was powered by speculators, he said, the leading American buyers are now more likely to study first, then buy for keeps.
Therefore so was the subsequent bust and fatal loss of tax revenues.
In the late 1840s plank roads led to an investment boom and subsequent bust.