With Apple's purchase of NeXT and the subsequent closing of numerous divisions within Apple, develop was closed and turned into a guest column within MacTech which continues to this day.
In hypoxic newborns, too little oxygen reaches the lungs to produce sufficient levels of bradykinin and subsequent closing of the DA.
If a parry was detected, the electronics were supposed to invalidate any subsequent closing of the scoring circuit due to the flexible blade whipping around the parry.
Romero departed with Tom Hall immediately after the release of Hall's Anachronox game and the subsequent closing of the Dallas Ion office.
The entering current first increases and then quickly decreases due to myosin's release of tension of the tip link and subsequent closing of channels.
There were others of us who thought that this war was wrong and have watched with horror its aftermath, the carnage and suffering in Iraq and the subsequent closing of the American mind to anything but our own supremacy.
City Hotel's final guest checked out in 1864, just before the arrival of General Tecumseh Sherman during the Civil War and the subsequent closing of the City Hotel.
After the defeat of Chiang Kai-Shek and subsequent closing of the institute, the new People's Republic of China created contemporary wushu, a popular artistic sport inspired largely by traditional Long Fist.
The fire and the casinos subsequent closing was potentially catastrophic for the local economy.
Since 2009 and the subsequent closing of PhotoChopWorld, the World Team Battle has been hosted on autemo.