The incident sparked Wasson's interest in mushrooms, leading to subsequent contributions to the field of ethnomycology.
France's subsequent contribution was just as vital for HP as the former and it consisted of the first integrated circuit designed within the company.
He made many subsequent scientific contributions, during the rest of his life.
Personal contributions by candidates are normally reported as loans to be repaid by subsequent contributions or forgiven.
Named at a civic ceremony in honour of Paine's subsequent contribution to the young American colony's quest for independence.
Li made several subsequent contributions to cancer research.
This is explained by their more democratic governance that reduces perverse incentives and subsequent contributions to economic bubbles.
In their subsequent contributions to this debate, members of my group will be commenting on the individual components of the proposal.
An individual whose contributions exceed $500 per year must obtain a unique identifier from the Secretary of State and list it with subsequent contributions.
His subsequent contributions - and the run-up in Internet stocks - have increased its assets to $50 million, according to the company.