After Peter's death and Alexandar's subsequent coronation, hostilities between the brothers arose, which led to Prince George's arrest in 1925.
Despite its importance as a symbol of Kingship, the stone was not used for subsequent coronations, which it surely would have if still in Scottish possession.
The procession by coach of 1831 was again adopted in 1838, and has been followed in all subsequent coronations.
He carried St. Edward's staff at Charles' subsequent coronation.
Their regnal dates as emperor take into account elections and subsequent coronations.
This was, he decreed, to be used at subsequent coronations of the kings of the Romans, together with a crown, vestments and a gilt apple.
After her wedding and subsequent coronation, they would become her ladies in waiting.
However, Louis's coming-of-age and subsequent coronation deprived them of their pretext for revolt.
This crown was used in many subsequent coronations until its eventual destruction by the English Republic four hundred years later.
Years later, her spouse joins the failed rebellions against Arthur that follow in the wake of King Uther's death and the subsequent coronation of his heir.