Robert S. Kondratick, by the Spiritual Court and to his subsequent deposition from priesthood by the Holy Synod on July 31, 2007.
After Coenwulf's death, relations were somewhat better with the new king Ceolwulf, but improved much more after Ceolwulf's subsequent deposition.
Joel testified during his deposition that both might have used KaZaA on the computer in his bedroom, but in their own subsequent depositions, both denied it.
But subsequent depositions of the surviving sailors, bearing out the revelations of their captain in several of the strangest particulars, gave credence to the rest.
During a subsequent deposition, Mr. Dreier acknowledged that Mr. Kovachev was his client and that he had a second client involved in the case.
Anderson stated in a subsequent deposition that he had no direct knowledge of Armstrong using a banned substance.
This rifting created low relief basins which allowed for the transport of sediments and subsequent deposition of sedimentary rocks, which happen to be the oldest on the peninsula.
It can lead to subsequent yellow-orange discoloration (xanthoderma or carotenoderma) and their subsequent deposition in the outermost layer of skin.
The frequently show signs of subsequent depositions such as eskers.