This tragedy led to The Kingdom's subsequent dissolution.
Shortly after the failure of the coup and subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union, the city regained its historical name Yekaterinburg.
The subsequent dissolution of the Whig Party in the 1852 national elections left many Marylanders in the lurch.
The proceedings were stalled by the subsequent dissolution, and on 9 October 1690 he was released on bail.
The boats were decommissioned following the Manhattan Rebellion in 1951 and the subsequent dissolution of the navy's Submarine Group.
He did not complete the entire parliamentary term as a result of the military coup and the subsequent dissolution of the National Congress in 1973.
The subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 had an immediate and devastating effect on Cuba.
The Abbey's subsequent dissolution caused further lengthy litigation over maintenance of the bridge at Bow - with the successor landowners found responsible in 1691.
In 1980 its name was changed to the State Bank until its sale and subsequent dissolution in 1990.
"Falling Through the Earth" cuts back and forth between Trussoni's father's career as a soldier and the subsequent dissolution of his marriage and family.