So, many, including Ilić himself, were surprised and unhappy about him getting very little in the subsequent division of power among the DOS members.
It will deal with the landing of Turkish troops on Cyprus in 1974 and the island's subsequent division.
This action served only to provoke a Turkish intervention on July 20, 1974, leading to the subsequent de facto division of the island.
The subsequent divisions almost all stem from this division of land.
Assigning a date to this in modern terms depends on determining a date for the death of Solomon and the subsequent division of the kingdom.
These houses used to be one, and their subsequent division may be the cause of the competition.
Solomon's failure to do so is explicitly cited as a reason for the subsequent division of his kingdom.
Fox spoke in opposition to the King's Speech on 13 December 1793, but was defeated in the subsequent division by 290 to 50.
Following the war and subsequent divisions the Saxons lost much of their former power and influence within the different German states and families.
Arrival of Portuguese followed by the subsequent division of the community into two rival groups fighting with and against the Portuguese.