A subsequent exhibition in Holt in July 2010 saw his paintings all sold within 30 minutes, at a total value of £150,000.
A number of subsequent exhibitions followed, with Martínez developing a strong following in the Hollywood community.
The subsequent exhibitions were viewed with sympathy by a section of the press, including the leftist newspaper Adevărul.
On his return, there were subsequent lukewarm exhibitions, the latest being at Chawkandi in August '99.
The subsequent exhibition of the dormeuse at the London Museum was an instant success.
In 1992, a subsequent exhibition focused, less sympathetically, on well-to-do middle-aged women.
The competitive professional development program, along with the subsequent exhibition, is sponsored by Aljira, a 23-year-old alternative gallery in Newark.
He participated in some measure in all of the subsequent annual exhibitions.
In 1868, his paintings were accepted at the Salon, but the exhibition did not bring him financial or critical success; nor did subsequent exhibitions.
An earlier building on the site with this name was erected in 1839 and was replaced for subsequent exhibitions in 1844 and 1849.