The church's subsequent failure to deal with Smyth gave him the opportunity to abuse more children.
Somerset's subsequent military failures left him vulnerable to criticism from York's allies.
The loan went into default, contributing to Broward's subsequent failure.
Mary's subsequent failure to remember the name will then be a new cause for worry and embarrassment for her.
They are fearful of taking on ill-defined responsibility and being blamed for any subsequent failure.
But each day he faced the slavery of the attempt to paint, and the subsequent daily failure.
Arguably, it was the subsequent failure to address the damage to the financial system in a timely manner that caused Japan's current economic problems.
"This led to higher shear forces in the column than expected in design and to their subsequent failure," the report said.
The merger of the two large health care organizations and subsequent failure has provided a valuable reference for other systems with similar plans.
His subsequent failure in collaborating with William is disappointing, but the cause has not received sufficient attention.