No subsequent finding has contradicted this conclusion.
Queensland's first gold discovery was at Kilkivan in 1852 and subsequent findings escalated into a gold rush in the 1860s.
However, one paper placed this event around 142,000 years ago (see below for subsequent findings).
Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from research, correspondence, and experimentation.
This discovery and subsequent medical findings fuelled suggestions that the cloth could conceivably be genuine.
I immediately suspected a plot; and all the subsequent findings verified my theory.
Some of the first relevant experimentation and subsequent findings about the organization of the primary motor cortex were observed by Wilder Penfield.
In another study, significant heritability was found for crime, but one subsequent finding was particularly interesting.
The Bush administration initially suggested the discrepancy between the allegations and the subsequent findings was due to failure by the intelligence community.
Plus, Albert's accusation and the subsequent finding of your stationery made me seriously doubt you, which set everything up for act two.