The Fort Lauderdale police had no record of the arrest or subsequent incarceration of a Monroe Dole.
His attempt at suicide and his subsequent incarceration in a sanitarium finally led to his death at 46.
The good news is that they are in a position to save the government the cost of your trial and subsequent incarceration.
This tiny, albeit bellicose female was the cause of his pounding skull and subsequent incarceration?
Such information hadn't seemed relevant at the time, considering the circumstances and his subsequent incarceration.
His subsequent incarceration in a maximum security penitentiary was marked by continued scheming and criminal endeavour.
The shorter survivability of inmates is related to their means of infection while on the streets, not their subsequent incarceration.
Even though five eyewitnesses had placed him with the victim, he continued to maintain his innocence throughout his trial and subsequent incarceration.
The subsequent incarceration of the prime suspect (Lizzie herself) as well as the coroner's inquest and trial are largely faithfully depicted, using actual testimony.
A not-so-pleasant experience was the discovery that the detective, unbeknownst even to his wife, had a sideline that resulted in his arrest and subsequent incarceration.