Her subsequent journey as recent immigrant, however, was sometimes rocky.
The main body houses the chemical engines which provide the craft with the thrust required for lift-off and the subsequent journey to Mars.
Although the exact number of men waxed and waned during the subsequent journey, he is believed to have left with around 40 men.
He was unable afterward to recall anything about his subsequent journey.
In the course of subsequent journeys north along the Nile, humankind may have first formed political communities.
His subsequent journey into the jungle and into madness uncovers the legacy of that fear.
His subsequent spiritual journey was a quest to recapture this awareness, and share it with others.
Our subsequent journey is always a broken experience to me.
During the subsequent journey he dies of blood poisoning, made worse by the toxic fumes in the region.
But no previous experience compared with the handling of real Moon rocks, in situ, and their subsequent journey to Earth.