In the subsequent patents he described smaller hollow bricks with 4 and 8 studs on top.
The patent has been cited by more than 30 subsequent patents.
Bain also proposed to make the coil record messages by printing them, an idea he developed further in a subsequent patent.
He noted that the validity of the Dongan and subsequent patents have been upheld in the courts numerous times over the past two centuries.
In 1890, he filed a subsequent patent, which covered the Monotype caster.
These subsequent patents do not bestow the right to produce and market a product unless licensed by the master patent holder.
Their invention and subsequent patent was the result of his idea to incorporate a metal filling into the mortarboard thus making it more sturdy.
Although his name did not appear on subsequent patents he remained involved with the Bow works as his name appears in the insurance papers.
"It's lots of good patents that have a high impact," as measured by how often subsequent patents cite them.
The TuneBuilder patent was further cited in twenty-three subsequent patents.