Such notoriety boosted circulation, however, as did a subsequent reduction in the magazine's cover price to a shilling.
The subsequent reduction in the establishment of the Army resulted in him being on half-pay during 1816 and 1817.
Lowered height of coachwork forced subsequent reductions in the mascot size.
In the 1850s, the South gained greater influence over tariff policy and made subsequent reductions.
These high-visibility enforcement programs were credited for a major share in the subsequent reduction of highway fatalities.
Social psychological research has indicated that extrinsic rewards can lead to overjustification and a subsequent reduction in intrinsic motivation.
The subsequent reduction is most likely due to maturation depletion (reduced germ cell numbers).
And cold could lower the metabolism of her other vital organs so that they might survive the subsequent reduction in blood flow.
This provided for a reduction in the import duty on wheat, which led to a subsequent reduction in the price of food.
The subsequent reductions in library service included closing the Lombard Library.