Bundling has become even more important in view of individual donation limits imposed following Watergate and subsequent scandals.
The subsequent scandal led to his resignation.
The subsequent scandal about the true nature of the project became known as the Zircon Affair.
He is also noted for the subsequent scandal that alleged the improper sale of stock of the railroad's construction company.
The subsequent public scandal led to a House investigation, which formally recommended expulsion.
This appendage and subsequent scandal became known as 'Gracie's Finger'.
The great difference was that a mistress, though easy to acquire, could also be easily disposed of, without the lengthy legalities and subsequent scandal.
Now it's time to dig into the subsequent scandals and divorces.
The severity of the problems and a subsequent scandal related to the site made the acid pits the subject of national television coverage.
The trial and subsequent scandal was well publicized, following which Valentino could not find employment.