Furthermore, the formation of mats of diatoms and their subsequent sinking distorts the normal carbonate-silica cyclicity observed.
Failure or leaking of the hull is a serious problem that can lead to the loss of buoyancy or the free surface effect and the subsequent sinking of the vessel.
Saale and several other ships were soon engulfed in flames; 99 passengers and crew on Saale were killed in the fire and subsequent sinking.
Specifically, the insertion of Allied agents into Sicily and subsequent sinking of a German E-Boat and cargo ship.
The subsequent sinking of the island lends credence to the mate's claim, according to popular legend.
Designated the GL.633, this aircraft was used by Miguel Zambudio to attack the Nationalist battleship España, scoring decisive hits that contributed substantially to her subsequent sinking.
The third note, of 21 July, issued an ultimatum, to the effect that the US would regard any subsequent sinkings as "deliberately unfriendly".
With the subsequent sinking of the East Midlands crust, these deposits became waterlogged, and formed into red clay.
The recent explosion in the Gulf of Mexico involved a platform which was only built in 2001 and its subsequent sinking is causing one of the biggest ecological disasters to date.
There was a great deal of anger amongst the Allied powers after the visit of U-53 to the American port and the subsequent sinking of Allied shipping.