In two subsequent stints in Korea, she continued to screen the carrier task force and carry out shore bombardment of enemy positions.
A subsequent stint in advertising ended when he created the syndicated comic strip, Inside Woody Allen.
What had followed was a wild childhood distinguished by parties with movie stars and rock idols, run-ins with the press and the police, and a subsequent stint in rehab.
During a subsequent stint at CBC (1981-82) he acted as the company's Programme Manager and Head of Productions.
During a subsequent stint as a consulting producer on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Mr. Gordon pitched a family drama he had been developing to ABC.
Though her father walked away from Moore and her five siblings when she was still in grade school, the family's subsequent stint on welfare was brief.
She had several stints as cult follower Allison Perkins on One Life to Live, and first appeared as the character in 1986-1987, with subsequent stints in 2001-2002, 2003 and 2008.
After a subsequent stint with the telecommunications services division of the Rockefeller Group, he was named in 1990 to head the subsidiary that manages Rockefeller Center.
A subsequent stint in a tobacco factory ended in more humiliation.
John Carpenter's Vampires was released during his subsequent stint in rehab.