He was a prominent Malay leader during the British colonial period and the subsequent struggle for independence.
She cites this period of sexual abuse for her subsequent struggles with alcohol addiction.
The film tells the story of a contemporary cohabiting Indian couple and their subsequent struggle with an unexpected pregnancy.
This collaboration prepared the two men for their subsequent struggles with the colonialists in their home countries.
As a result, during the subsequent struggle to survive and combat the menace.
During the subsequent struggle, he fell, fatally hit by two bullets.
Bearing the brunt of this contest as they did, the colonies were undergoing preparation for the subsequent struggle with the home government.
The subsequent legal struggle set back Sands' young career before it had had a chance to get started.
In the subsequent struggle he manages to shoot them both with their own weapons, but only after Camilla has been killed.
During the subsequent military struggle, its use spread to the French armies.