In the subsequent training, she fails miserably where everyone else succeeds.
Only three days of a 16-week agents' course were devoted to counterintelligence and counterterrorism, and most subsequent training was received on the job.
It features her abortive arranged marriage and subsequent training.
The first 174 pages of the book details his early life, and subsequent standard military training in Kosovo, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
He received subsequent training with the oratorio singer Ruth Kisch-Arndt.
The draft law also stipulates that Burmese citizens must constitute at least 25% of the firm's skilled workforce, and with subsequent training, up to 50-75%.
These initial sessions were the fundamental underpinnings of all subsequent training.
This, and subsequent training, had fitted him perfectly for command.
His subsequent training passed out of my hands into those of our common friend, W. E. Henley.
Gibson was aggressive in screening the crews during subsequent training.