The I.R.S. does not always look favorably on tax-free spinoffs when a subsequent transaction - like a merger - is tied to the spinoff.
There were many subsequent transactions, and at one point the property was lost in foreclosure and taken over by Suffolk County.
Two subsequent transactions helped catapult Mr. Ryan into the leading ranks of the business.
Thus, once a transaction has been ended and committed, a subsequent transaction (running in a different application) could inherit existing holdable cursors.
A judgment is for the title and ownership of the property at the time of the conversion, and does not necessarily effect subsequent transactions which may have occurred.
Once you have completed this process, you will not need to re-enter this information for subsequent transactions.
After a subsequent transaction, a majority of Trosclair's interest was sold to New Orleans businessman (and political candidate) John Georges.
Prices do not appear to have dropped for subsequent transactions, despite the decline in sales.
If a combination of outcomes is capped, any subsequent transaction submitted to the system attempting to wager on this particular combination is rejected.
At first registration was not compulsory, and once property was registered there was no compulsion to register any subsequent transactions.