There Eclipse observed the seizure of Oporto by the French and the subsequent uprising that led to the First Battle of Oporto.
The Indigo revolt was a peasant movement and subsequent uprising of indigo farmers against the indigo planters that arose in Bengal in 1859.
A new opportunity arose in the spring of 1863, when a subsequent uprising against the Russian Empire spread to Lithuania.
During the May Revolution of 1810 and the subsequent uprising of the provinces of Rio de la Plata, the Spanish colonial government moved to Montevideo.
A subsequent local uprising was crushed by the garrison of York.
James I's efforts to contain the outrage of the Lords of the Isles by executing Campbell did not prevent a subsequent uprising by them.
The subsequent uprising proved extremely costly to the country, leaving approximately 60,000 dead or missing.
Hong Kong was the cradle of Sun Yat Sen's revolutionary thoughts and the base for subsequent uprisings.
However, supporters pointed out that all of the French force was captured, and there was no subsequent uprising.
The issue of taxation, more specifically, who was to collect it, the traditional rulers or the rapacious new collectors from overseas -lay at the root of the subsequent uprising.