There is a key change in the chorus that puts the song in B minor before going back to F-sharp minor for the subsequent verse.
The subsequent verses followed this form, each repeating in the lines below in place of "London bridge is broken down":
To France, and many other scholars, this verse is just one part of a discussion of legal principles, similar to the previous and subsequent verses.
The track also makes liberal use of the studio effects known as phasing and flanging, particularly during the song's orchestral middle section and subsequent verse.
The subsequent verses describe their return to Israel.
In many versions, the song is cumulative, with the noises from all the earlier verses added to each subsequent verse.
Instead, Harrison "flays his detractors" in the song's subsequent verses.
However, subsequent verses diverge significantly between the 1919 and 2006 versions.
The subsequent verse describes the two pushing through their initial awkwardness and discussing their current lives.
He was railing against the prevalent enthusiasm for pastoral poetry above all other forms (as becomes apparent in subsequent verses).