Instead of welfare, applicants would get a subsidized job.
Those who do not comply would be given subsidized jobs - and would be paid only if they showed up for work.
An additional 10 percent will be placed in subsidized jobs.
There is a way to limit subsidized jobs, increase private employer participation and not abandon those who need help most.
For those a step behind, the W-2 agencies can create subsidized jobs with private employers.
From scant city figures, it appears that about 1,600 of them took subsidized jobs, joining 3,100 other recipients placed earlier as seasonal parks laborers.
But Mr. Reed worried that some recipients might cheat the system, turning down unpleasant private work to stay in subsidized jobs.
Vermont placed a two-year limit on benefits but offered subsidized jobs to those who were still unemployed.
Vermont, for example, now provides subsidized private-sector jobs and pledges that all recipients who obey the rules will get help.
If the Government does not have the money to create the subsidized jobs, it could not enforce the two-year limit.