The Bloomberg administration says those subsidies would cost too much.
The White House said such subsidies would cost the Government $116 billion over the first seven years of the program.
According to the campaign, in all these subsidies would cost about $110 billion across a decade.
The subsidies on wheat, sugar and cooking oil, however, cost the country around $6 billion a year.
In the 1980's, crop subsidies cost the Treasury $133.5 billion.
This means that the subsidies, which absorbed one-sixth of government spending in 2005, will cost even more.
The subsidy has survived, thanks to Congress, and now costs the Treasury about $600 million a year.
In Beijing, subsidies for meat, eggs and similar products cost $181 million last year.
They estimate that the subsidies and the new tax deduction would cost the Federal Government $246 billion over five years.
The subsidies could cost more than $200 million a year, the Air Force report said.