The agrarian subsistence strategy of choice for the people who re-occupy Colha seems to be a type of tree cropping.
Agriculture, pottery styles and public architecture - People of the southwest had a variety of subsistence strategies, all using their own specific techniques.
Along with the addition of the llama into the subsistence strategy, the reliance on marine goods was greatly decreased.
Both cultural groups exhibited very different ceremonial and subsistence strategies, yet were forced to share the land.
These settlements show a more gradual settlement of less whales and using more subsistence strategies from the west.
Research perspectives for the study of Neanderthal subsistence strategies based on the analysis of archaeozoological assemblages.
Societies are social groups that differ according to subsistence strategies, the ways that humans use technology to provide needs for themselves.
They are also prevalent in hunting and gathering economies, where nomadic movements are intrinsic to the subsistence strategy.
A variety of subsistence strategies exploit the available resources.
During this time the people of the southwest developed a variety of subsistence strategies, all using their own specific techniques.