The substance found was subjected to much more basic and rudimentary chemical analysis (taste).
A substance found in lettuce and other green, leafy vegetables.
The substance found was Clenbuterol, which means she, too, faces a ban of four years if a second test confirms the first.
Controlled substances found anywhere, but especially in the archbishops' crypt, where the hijackers hid out before the attack.
The village name relates to bast, a pliable substance found under the bark of the lime tree.
However, the toxic substances that the fire relesed from the cleaning materials found their way into the building's air vents.
But that had been before the discovery of the spice melange, the precious substance found nowhere else in the universe.
Inclusions - chemical substances found suspended directly in the cytosol.
The affidavits reported the weight of the seized bags and claimed the substance found was cocaine.
Close to the final silence he found a voice that had more substance than his dwindling body.