They are also more likely to have a poorer outcome, such as longer time to remission, and increased psychiatric complications from substance misuse.
Another consistent finding is a link to substance misuse, particularly alcohol, among the minority who commit violent acts.
Edge works from the perspective of creating theatre and drama with people affected by substance misuse.
To provide support for those most vulnerable, including those who are disadvantaged through circumstance or at high risk of substance misuse.
There is not nearly enough public or media focus on the issue of substance misuse and its relationship to violent crimes committed by young people.
There have been some tentative inconsistent links found to certain viral infections,to substance misuse, and to general physical health.
Professor Ghodse conducted research over 40 years in the areas of substance misuse and addictions.
Additionally substance misuse is associated with mental health disorders.
Twelve-step programs for overcoming substance misuse and other addiction recovery groups are often based on peer support.
The ultimate goal of addiction treatment is to enable an individual to manage their substance misuse; for some this may mean abstinence.