The publications contain all aspects covered by the project; some of them being the principle of cultural grounding in school-based substance use prevention seen in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology and promoting reduced and discontinued substances among adolescent substance users, seen in the Prevention Science.
If they are themselves substance users, the challenge of finding a place could be insurmountable.
In series two, set five years later, Roy has had his child Lian by Cheshire but has become a dishevelled substance user due to his grief over the original Roy.
For the past five years well over 50 percent of new AIDS cases are from substance users.
HIV risk and prevention for non-injection substance users.
A study conducted by Minnebo and Eggermont in 2007 found that heavy television viewers, over the age of 30, in Belgium "were more likely to believe that most young people are substance users."
Establishing a broader range of interventions for substance users, their carers and families within community settings.
Kaplan R, Slywka J, Slagle S, et al.: A titrated morphine analgesic regimen comparing substance users and non-users with AIDS-related pain.