"I don't think substandard medical care should be offered through the federal government," she said.
The doctor was also delinquent in paying child support and had lost hospital privileges because of "substandard care."
The system had a reputation for bloated costs and sometimes substandard care.
The number of parents on welfare who have placed their children in substandard care is unclear.
"The state should not continue to subsidize neglectful and substandard care," he said.
State officials were concerned that the long work hours could lead to substandard care.
"I want to make an issue of the substandard care aboard cruise ships."
Even where abortion is legal, American women may have to accept substandard medical care that endangers their life.
Relatives of people who have died in nursing homes told Congress they were outraged that no one had looked into their complaints about substandard care.
On average, the authors found, patients received substandard care, as defined by leading medical groups, 50 percent to 60 percent of the time.