Furthermore, the system was beleaguered with frequent problems such as poor management and substandard services and quality.
I also realized that in my private life I was a consumer with little patience for substandard service or products.
As a result, the U.S. Government received substandard service and products at inflated prices.
While much of the food floats in the three-star range, its substandard service attenuates the pleasure of dining there.
Opponents of the national railroad say that federal subsidies - about $500 million each year - are slowly being wasted on a system that provides substandard service.
Escorts who offer substandard service or, worse, rip off their clients, are loudly dissed: "I advise men who want a class act to go elsewhere," wrote one dissatisfied customer.
For future reference, should a serving person deliver substandard service, the diner is perfectly within his or her rights to specify "no tip."
Adding to the industry's woes were reports last year of some companies charging high fees for substandard service, and questions about whether some groups were truly nonprofit.
Mr. Pomerantz laughed at charges of substandard service and called Mr. Kaufelt a "big bully with a swelled head."
Mr. Goldfarb said Chrysler would go to court to end the franchise of any of its 4,700 dealers who could not be persuaded to improve substandard service.