When timely separation of paper occurs, it offers the potential for making a substantial dent in the price that business must pay for waste removal.
To develop credibility before the world, the Government must be seen to be making a substantial dent in the annual deficits.
While credited with making a substantial dent in heart disease, the use of statin drugs that lower bad cholesterol doesn't prevent all heart attacks.
Will the Treo ever make a substantial dent in the BlackBerry market?
But 8 percent is not in the range that would make a substantial dent in American oil consumption.
If the Nickel Plate remained independent it would be able to create a substantial dent in both entrepreneurs' railroad earnings.
A four- to six-inch snowfall in the first week of December would clearly make a substantial dent in the city's $20 million snow removal budget.
As it is, there's probably a substantial dent in your fender.
What they cost would have made a substantial dent in the national debt.
The blaze had been built up after the cooking, and now made a substantial dent in the darkness.