Regardless of the Minister's decision on this particular case, heightened developer interest is evidence that substantial public expenditure in declining areas will attract future private investment.
First, there is evidence to support the thesis that investing substantial public expenditure into declining areas will attract future private investment.
He must have been aware that Dusty would not, or could not, have authorized the old man's steady and substantial expenditures.
Hackett's campaign attracted national attention and substantial expenditures by both parties.
These delicacies and splendors are then legitimate when they are the excess of substantial and necessary expenditure.
This royal interest resulted in further building works and substantial expenditure, with £291 being spent in the next four years.
Those sympathetic to the environmentalist position accept the need for substantial expenditure on water pollution control.
For example, ten new schools were opened by various local authorities in 1938-39 as barriers against substantial expenditure were lifted.
In its latest report on Angola, the fund criticized the government for repeatedly making substantial off-budget expenditures and its failure to track state revenue.
Lots of money coming in, but no substantial expenditures yet.