I'd like you to take Martha's job; there'll be a substantial raise, of course.
For a young seaman earning $832 a month, the allowance means a substantial raise.
The main issue appears to be money with a substantial raise being demanded.
Could Steve Thomas, in the option year of his contract and seeking a substantial raise, be next?
The strikers returned to work after the board agreed, in March, to a new contract giving teachers smaller classes and a substantial raise.
Foremost among them is a "substantial" raise that would close the gap between the city and the suburbs.
The union demanded a 5 percent wage increase, saying its members deserved a substantial raise.
Bradley had pushed to make the 25-year-old Blowers the regular at third last summer, even giving him a substantial raise despite his performance.
You see, the Council was impressed enough that they've given me a raise a substantial raise.
He deserves a substantial raise from his current $1.1 million salary.