This meant that as Court Line expanded, it became progressively vulnerable to any substantial setback in any of its areas of activities.
The thought of transferring management to his successor Fliess and returning to Berlin is a substantial professional setback for him.
It would be a substantial setback if the Pond lost its protective SSSI status.
At the very least, the loss of the Quirigua trade routes would have meant a substantial economic and political setback.
However, in the following year the District experienced two substantial setbacks.
In each case, the market suffered a substantial setback during the next term.
Staff members for two American senators, one Democrat and one Republican, said all was not lost, however, despite the substantial setback.
Mr. Taylor, the former all-pro linebacker, appears to have suffered a substantial financial setback as a result.
Over 18 years, we have suffered a very substantial setback.
Later, he wrote that the patent, if unchallenged, represented "a substantial setback for global interoperability and the success of the open Web."