That year the Pawnee acquired a substantial supply of guns and for a while dominated all tribes to the west.
But that 90 percent figure does not take into account the substantial supplies already in Kuwait and the daily ability of Iraq to repair roads.
Murat, with a substantial supply of money to help him, was content to observe matters from the middle distance.
The citadel was razed and the substantial supplies were confiscated.
I have brought an artificial nourishment beverage with me in substantial supply.
The Cumberland had also brought a substantial supply of pickups.
Someone has a substantial supply of both, or the means to create them.
To operate these water wheels, a continuous and substantial supply of water was needed.
For this favor, Iran was rewarded with a substantial supply of arms from Israel.
I had left home with a substantial supply of food and still had enough left to maintain my strength for perhaps another week.