Paramount could probably get around that by promising to sell the Warner studio, but would be likely to have to pay substantial taxes on the sale.
Different Approaches Corporations, already hit hard by the recession, are not likely to locate new operations in the area without substantial tax or financial incentives.
Biofuels compete with retail gasoline and diesel prices which have substantial taxes included.
It adds prestige to the town, it will generate substantial taxes and there'll be little traffic impact.
Stephen B. Goldberg, the lawyer for the estate, agreed that there were substantial tax and other liabilities.
Q In the sale of a co-op apartment, what is the rationale for the substantial flip tax paid by the seller?
Conversion was often required for those who could not pay a substantial tax known as the 'jizya'.
I'm not saying it isn't a substantial tax, but, then, they created these fancy places.
A default would impose a substantial tax on all Americans.
But a substantial tax on gasoline is unimaginable now, given the decrepitude of our political system.