It's not dumbed down, just different and overall represents a pretty substantial upgrade.
Shouldn't your conclusion have been something like "not enough information" or "those features don't interest me" instead of "no substantial upgrades"?
In 1880, Roach embarked on a substantial upgrade of the mill's facilities.
When new, this redesign was considered a substantial upgrade, compared to the "cheap" economy car it replaced.
The plans include a substantial upgrade of the existing bird hide.
On January 1, 2007, it received substantial upgrades to its on-air presence.
The proposed development includes substantial upgrade or replacement of the Helensville waste water treatment plant, which the local council would otherwise have to fund.
The centre has recently undergone a substantial upgrade, including a new range of boutique retails.
Dunta Robinson is not getting the job done, and an old lady in a motorized cart would be a substantial upgrade.
It's nice to see these less flashy applications also receiving substantial upgrades.