It is substantially heavier than the Kindle.
By the time McCain saw her, she was four inches (ten centimeters) shorter, on crutches, and substantially heavier.
These trials revealed the HU2K to be substantially heavier, underpowered, and incapable of meeting the RCN's requirements.
IVü, a substantially heavier engine.
In 2003 Cambridge were substantially heavier and appeared to be the favourites.
Sunni turnout was substantially heavier than for the January elections, but insufficient to block ratification.
The nature of contract computer staff jobs imposes substantially heavier work-related expenses upon them than upon agency secretarial/office staff.
Now, more than a decade later and substantially heavier, Ms. Manheim, 37, is eager for an on-camera romance.
However, there have been reports of substantially heavier usage, amongst even "recreational" bodybuilders.