Substantially reinforced by Buell and Wallace, Grant counterattacked the Confederate forces on April 7 and drove them from the field and back toward Corinth.
In early January 1885 the Formosa expeditionary corps was substantially reinforced with two battalions of infantry, bringing its total strength to around 4,000 men.
Prevost may have believed that peace could be negotiated quickly, but by the time the armistice ended, the Americans had been substantially reinforced.
By the 1990s the church structure was showing significant signs of degradation and had to be substantially reinforced, with the Heritage Lottery Fund part-funding the repairs.
Mention has already been made of the significance of national trends in age structure, but it can be seen that these effects can be substantially reinforced at the regional and local level through migration.
Courbet's squadron had been reinforced substantially since the start of the war, and he now had considerably more ships at his disposal than in October 1884.
Cawdor's response was an outrageous bluff, but inexplicably the enemy commander (American William Tate) believed the British to be substantially reinforced, and surrendered.
Finally, in respect of economic aid given by the European Union, this is continuing and will continue and can be substantially reinforced once the conditions are in place for it to be executed.
For after World War I, the ideology of separate spheres was substantially reinforced by the imposition of a 'marriage bar' on women pursuing professional careers.
This view was substantially reinforced by a feature published in the 2000 AD Annual 1984, giving an unofficial timeline for future America.