Not all research, animal or otherwise, eventually leads to some substantive gain.
But the substantive gains being negotiated in this agreement should reinforce Mr. Arafat's secular leadership.
Mr. Abbas has sought a cease-fire to avoid using force against Hamas, believing he lacks political support for that move before he makes any substantive gains in talks with Israel.
Career lawyers have begun to question whether her personal appeal will translate into substantive gains for the agency.
September 2, 2005Southern Maryland Wins in BRAC Process Southern Maryland stands to make substantive gains in this year's round of base closings.
That would enable union leaders to portray themselves as tough bargainers who can win substantive gains for their members.
Joint Statement Planned American officials said the limited substantive gains of the summit meeting this week, the fourth between Mr. Reagan and Mr. Gorbachev, would be outlined in a joint statement on Wednesday.
But at the close today of the third meeting this year between narcotics officials of both countries, it remained unclear whether any substantive gains have accompanied the retired Army general's approach.
But if issues like these have been put on the public agenda by feminists, the substantive gains they achieved were limited.
"The Soviets have made substantive gains on the peacemaking process," conceded one American official.