It further assumes that you have or should or can obtain substantive knowledge of the cause and effect relationships relevant to the evaluation of the alternatives.
Research, codification, documentation, publication and electronic sharing create this substantive knowledge.
The inheritors of Mannheim's legacy were precisely those academics interested in substantive knowledge and the processes, epistemological and sociological, by which 'true' knowledge could be produced.
Examinations vary, but many utilize multiple choice and essay questions to test the attorney's substantive knowledge and experience.
Ultimately, the success of mediation will depend on the skills of the mediators, their substantive knowledge, their problem-solving skills and conflict-managing skills.
To listen to the deans we could assume that the substantive knowledge that is needed to fulfill that role comes by intuition rather than training.
"She did not express substantive knowledge as to the scope of the rights of corporations under the Constitution or jurisprudence on the constitutional limits of executive branch powers."
Center for Health, Science and Public Policy: Offers students substantive knowledge and practical skills related to health and science law.
Letters from Members of Congress are directed to the Department's Executive Secretariat for assignment to components with substantive knowledge of the underlying matters.
These theories can contribute to substantive knowledge by helping analysts derive new hypotheses, integrate existing findings, and explain historical outcomes.