A limited supply of each was available, and substitute materials made the package look drab.
Except for the use of some substitute materials, the final batch of ten were nearly identical to the FEF-2.
Indeed, you will find substitute materials littered over the Connecticut landscape.
However when the end of month comes closer, management becomes nervous, substitute materials and improvised tools are used, the work goes overtime and in overdrive.
Their mission is to develop substitute materials for rare earth permanent magnets.
Due to difficult times, hemlines crept upward in both evening wear and day wear, the latter of which was made using substitute materials whenever possible.
Supporters say these substitute materials are stronger, cheaper and easier to maintain than original parts, and thus, paradoxically, encourage preservation.
Well, first of all, there must be a reduction in total use, at the same time as substitute materials are promoted.
We also reject the use of substitute materials made from chemicals or gene technology.
The experience of many countries over many years should vouch for the use of substitute materials.