The subterranean realm is described as being filled with threatening beings, traps, and snares with which the deceased must contend.
Nidavellir is the third layer of Ysgard, a subterranean realm of caves and underground passages.
The drow are described here as purportedly dwelling deep beneath the surface world, in strange subterranean realms.
This creates the inevitable subterranean realm into which the love interest (Ms. Mumba) is carried off.
Visions of an impregnable fortress, of a subterranean realm which might one day be a kingdom, blossomed for them both.
Even skeptics say the thesis is intriguing enough to warrant new studies of the subterranean realm.
Beneath the malls, the lawns, the garages lay this subterranean realm of bombers, explosives and tanks.
Teardrop-shaped aircraft sped noiselessly through the subterranean realm, flitting between structures and supports.
One board represents the garden, the other the gopher's subterranean realm.