The entire subterranean structure of this island seems to have been compromised.
Most of them are underground, probably inside survival shelters or other subterranean structures.
Within its courtyard are various subterranean structures, with accesses at soil level.
A subterranean structure for storing and aging wine.
The archives were in a colossal subterranean structure near the city's center, which I came to know well through frequent labors and consultations.
Below ground level in the subterranean structure lay a network of complicated passages.
There are four other burial chambers in the subterranean structure; who they belong to, however, is unknown.
Using that as a guide, we can see the subterranean structures that offer the closest proximity.
Wine caves are subterranean structures for the storage and aging of wine.
This is because it has been a mining centre from pre-Roman times, as well as having an interesting subterranean structure.