They spend the next several weeks attempting to escape their underground confinement, and they eventually succeed by breaking through a series of subterranean tombs.
Tomb KV5 is a subterranean, rock-cut tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
John was trapped deep in a subterranean tomb.
Prosatanos, however, was stopped by King Richard who trapped him in a subterranean tomb.
He described the subterranean tomb of the saint and states that he saw there a picture representing Hippolytus' execution.
It is part of the larger Palazzone necropolis, a burial ground dating to the 6th-5th century BC, with numerous subterranean tombs.
All these artifacts survived because they were buried in coffins within coffins in subterranean royal tombs.
The remains of Martin of Braga were moved to a subterranean tomb alongside the ruins, underneath the chapel.
The dead are interred in existing subterranean tombs or in hut-like free-standing ones.
In the outer area are royal palaces, a funerary palace containing five subterranean royal tombs.