It also has the subtle inflections of a man who has written four consecutive best sellers and is divorced.
His voice matched the voice on the interview tape down to subtle inflections.
Emotional turmoil is only noticable by the most subtle inflections of the voice, and sometimes not even then).
Alia, concentrating on him, detected the subtle inflections of Voice.
This type of progression was much used by classical composers, who introduced increasingly subtle inflections.
But an acute human ear, used to subtle inflections as yet still beyond the computer's aural system, would not have been entirely convinced.
More often it emerges in the subtle inflections made to existing models.
They were English, and they had picked up a subtle inflection in the oceanographer's voice.
These subtle inflections of pitch help explain why his singing conveys such powerful emotion.
That's not to say that a particularly ridiculous passage, read with subtle inflections or deadpan delivery, can't be theatrical.